Thursday, December 22, 2016

Examples Of World English


Colloquial Singaporean English, better known as Singlish, is an English-based creole language  spoken in Singapore.

While English is one of Singapore's official languages, Singlish is commonly regarded as having low prestige. The Singaporean government and some Singaporeans alike heavily discourage the use of Singlish in favour of Standard English.

Chinglish refers to spoken or written English language that is influenced by the Chinese language.[1] In Hong KongMacau, and Guangdong, the term "Chinglish" refers mainly to Cantonese-influenced English. This term is commonly applied to ungrammatical or nonsensical English in Chinese contexts, and may have pejorative or deprecating connotations.

Hinglish, a portmanteau of Hindi and English, is the macaronic hybrid use of English and South Asian languages, involving code-switching between these languages whereby they are freely interchanged within a sentence or between sentences.[1] While the name is based on the Hindi language, it does not refer exclusively to Hindi, but "is used in India, with English words blending with Punjabi, and Hindi, and also within British Asian families to enliven standard English.

Frenglish is a French portmanteau referring to the macaronic mixture of the French (français) and English (anglais) languages.


     Longtemps, pas voir. – Long time, no see
     Je suis tired. – I am tired. (Je suis fatigué)
     J'agree. – I agree.

Welsh English refers to the dialects of English spoken in Wales by Welsh people. The dialects are significantly influenced by Welshgrammar and often include words derived from Welsh. In addition to the distinctive words and grammar, a variety of accents are found across Wales, including those of north Wales, the Cardiff dialect, the South Wales Valleys and west Wales.

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